Wednesday, December 29, 2010

TooFaced LashLight Mascara review

My most recent purchase from Sephora was the TooFaced LashLight Mascara.
Needless to say, I had mixed opinions about it. After using it for a few days, I did some further research on this product and saw there were many others like me.
For starters, this is what the product looks like on the website:

Fancy stuff, right? Not only is the bottle uniquely shaped, but there is a mirror on the side of it, which is actually quite handy. The actual wand is nothing special, it reminded me of any drugstore mascara wand. The attention grabber was the lights within the wand. There is a button on the handle of the wand that activates the light. The purpose of the LED lights are to detect all lashes during application, so that each one is properly coated.
It seems like a great invention, but the light does nothing for me. I used it the first few times and stopped bothering with it completely because it became a hassle. If you angle the wand the wrong way, even for just a second- you will be blinded momentarily. It's happened to all of us before, but it's not good for your eyes. Once you regain your sight, applying mascara will be the last thing you feel like doing.
The actual formula does nothing for my lashes. I get similar results from Maybelline's Great Lash mascara, which is a fraction of the price.
I would not repurchase this product.

Final thoughts:
Likes: mirror on the bottle, shape of bottle.
Dislikes: formula, applicator, light.
Rating: 6/10

If you are interested in this product, it is available at Sephora for $25.

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